Connecting the MacBook to TV

In a previous post I mentioned how you could connect an Apple Macbook laptop to a video mixer.

TV One CS-320 connecting MacBook PRO PC to video mixer
I've had a few queries about connecting a MacBook to a TV, and would like to note that the CS-320 Scan Converter for PC & Mac is device that you could use to connect a MacBook to a CRT TV. The CS-320 scan converter will also work with PCs as well, so now you can watch those video clips stored on your computer's Hard drive using your large screen TV be it CRT, LCD or even a HD plasma.

The CS-320 also has a pass through port, so you could use it to down scale a the resolution of you Macbook to that supported by your LCD or Plasma TV if it doesn't support the native resolution of your computer or laptop.

For more information about the TV One CS-320 that can be used to connect a computer to a Video Mixer or TV read my Connect computer to video mixer post.


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