More on Home Automation in my house

Here is a run down of what home automation does in my house.

1. Provide audible reminders for tasks that need to be done, this includes the children having their bath at the right time, leaving home for school on time and me leaving for work on time.

2. Audible notification of emails to the accounts of my wife and I.

3. Switch off electrical appliances in living room when home is un-occupied or we go to bed.

4. Automatically turn on lights in the hallways at night on detection of motion.

5. Provide audible weather reports in the morning before I leave for work.

6. Allow me arm chair remote control of the living room, study, hallway lights.

The following are features that I would like to add when I get the time and money.

1. Connect the heating system to my home automation.

2. Automate the lights in the kitchen.

3. Install an alarm system that also allows some control of my lights via X10, will also have telephone interface so I can be notified of events as well as use phone to control security and home appliances.

4. Interface phone to TV, so I can display caller ID on screen.

5. Install CCTV system with remote web access as well as automatic motion recording both locally and to a remote location.

6. Smart phone access to home automation and security system via GPRS network.

7. Connect home automation system to HTPC when I get one.


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